Saturday, May 16, 2020

TEEN VOGUE: 5 Signs You're [a] Horny [Teen]

In the Sexual Health + Identity section of Teen Vogue, Gigi Engle posted the article "What Does "Horny" Mean? : 5 Signs You're Horny | The thirst is real." (APRIL 14, 2020)

Engle wrote: 

"Imagine feeling tingles in places you've never felt them and wanting to kiss every hottie you see. What is going on? Sounds like you're horny [...]"

"Feeling horny and dealing with newly minted sexual desires can be simultaneously overwhelming, confusing, and exciting. In addition to craving makeouts and experiencing tingles, you’re more aware than usual, fantasies are running wild through your head, and you might even be feeling more stress."

"It's all part of the "horniness" that comes along with puberty—who knew?"

"We make the jump from blissfully unaware elementary school students to confused (and slightly carnal) adolescents with no one there to explain what is going on."

So, what are the 5 Signs You're [a] Horny [Teen]?

1. You can’t stop fantasizing about the person you’re into.

"Or really, you can't stop fantasizing about anyone [...] Why is this happening to you? Studies found, through brain scans, that the medial orbitofrontal cortex is essential in sexual fantasy."

"This part of the brain is pivotal in how your brain processes emotion, a key element of fantasy. Another reason you’re fantasizing is because your brain is developing." 

2. You’re restless.

"To get over this restlessness and actually get some sleep, you can release the frustration. Yes, I’m talking about masturbation."

"After an orgasm, your body releases prolactin, a hormone that makes you sleepy. Sweet dreams!"

3. Your vagina is tingling.

"If you’re feeling things down below that you never have before, that could definitely be a sign that you are turned on. When you’re sexually aroused, blood flows to your genitals, perking them up in dilation."

"Yes, your genitals literally swell with excitement when you’re thirsty for that hottie in your social studies class. Weird, right? Biology, actually."

4. If you have a vagina, you’re wetter than usual.

"So, if you’re having trouble staying dry, and are getting tired of changing your undies several times a day, your sexual thirst might be why."

5. You keep sneezing.

"[...] sneezing is a "forceful emission," which kind of sounds similar to something else that happens as a result of sexual arousal...."

Thus, per Teen Vogue, the signs of a horny sneezing teen are persistent fantasizing, restlessness, which Engle suggests relieving via teen masturbation, and a tingling wet vagina.

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