The portrayal of sexually assertive teenagers is not restricted to networks like The CW and ABC Family, which primarily cater to women and teenagers. For example, on the adult HBO show Bored to Death, Jonathan Ames (Jason Schwartzman), who moonlighted as a private detective while he worked on his second novel, was approached by a young woman at a New York Movie Society party. She initially ignored Jonathan advances, but she became very interested in Jonathan after she saw him talking to her, “[...] favorite director of all-time!”
Once she found out that Jonathan was going to revise a screenplay for her favorite director, the next shot showed her kissing Jonathan passionately on the balcony of the venue.
Eventually, she invited Jonathan back to her place, which turned out to be her father’s brownstone in Brooklyn. (Jonathan agreed to go back to “her place” after he confirmed that she was a senior at New York University and that she was in her early twenties.) She reassured Jonathan that, in her opinion, their age difference would not be a problem because, as she stated, “Thirty is cool. [But] I’ve been with guys older than you.”
When they got out of the cab at the brownstone, she noticed that her father had returned early from his trip; so, they made a detour to her father’s home office in the basement where the following dialogue took place:
“Do you want to go to my prom with me?” She asked Jonathan in between kisses.
“NYU has proms?” Jonathan asked.
“Oh shit. I’m drunk. I should be honest with you. I don’t go to NYU.” She confessed.
“Where do you go? Hunter?”Jonathan asked.
“St. Anns.”
“The high school? How old are you?”
“Old enough.”
“Wait! Whoa, whoa. You want me to go to your senior prom, right? And you’re eighteen?”
“No junior prom.”
“You’re seventeen!”
“16-years-old?!” Jonathan exclaimed in disbelief.
“But I’ll be seventeen in two weeks.” She said innocently.

The private high school student attempted to console Jonathan by telling him that she had lost her virginity when she was 15 and that, despite being 16, she probably knew more about sex than he did. After Jonathan informed her that he felt really guilty about being with a girl so young and that he wanted to leave, she told him that she felt compelled to give him a memento.
Then she stood on top of her father’s office table, lifted her black mini dress, and revealed a pair of pink panties and a matching bra. As the sixteen-year-old was about to remove her panties, her father entered his office and forced Jason to escape through the bathroom window - mistakenly leaving his script behind.
Here is the part of the episode that left me utterly bewildered: When Jonathan went to his best friend Ray (Zach Galifianakis) for advice on how to get the script back, Ray advised Jonathan to simply call the dad and ask for the script, which was reasonable advice, but Jason reminded Ray, “She’s only 16-years-old.”
Now read Ray’s sensationally out of left field question!
"You didn’t sodomize her did you?”
“No.” Jonathan responded.
“That’s too bad.” Ray said despondently.
Ray was actually disappointed that Jonathan didn't have anal sex with the, by New York standards, underage high school student. I was actually surprised that the FCC allowed a television show to air, even on cable, a dialogue that condoned the idea of a 16-year-old being sodomized by a 30-year-old or by anyone for that matter.
And IRL, after her father had Jonathan arrested, the NYPD would not have been sympathetic to the fact that the nymphet had lied about her age. Jonathan would have been slapped with handcuffs, and the nymphet would not have received a even proverbial slap on the wrist.