Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Allure of Nymphets: TikTok Edition | Teen Age-Gap Affairs & The Daddy Thing (2021)

The Allure of Nymphets:
TikTok Edition | Teen Age-Gap Affairs & The Daddy Thing
(2021) GIF

We peruse TikTok approximately 15 minutes per week and over the months we've come across a number of TikToks of nymphets (unsolicitedly) expressing their teleiophilia (i.e., age-gap affairs and The Daddy Thing). Consequently, we decided to curate a new cameraless documentary - The Allure of Nymphets: TikTok Edition | Teen Age-Gap Affairs & The Daddy Thing (2021).

In the short doc, Lilia Buckingham shared that she's constantly reminded about the time she returned to middle school after being kissed by two 20-year-old boys on the show Dirt. Buckingham was 15, and her two love interests on the show were played by 20-year-old Blaine Mayeon and 19-year-old Tayler Holder whom Buckingham's middle school classmates "thought were really hot".

In the doc, a 17-year-old expressed, through song, to her friends that it's not a big deal that "he's 33".

16-year-old @rosesyari went on a Tinder date with a 24-year-old whom didn't mind that @rosesyari was a nymphet. (We're assuming that the Tinder date took place in a state, like Maine or Rhode Island, where the age of consent is 16.) 

@exquisitemariia reenacted a scene in which she seductively distracted "an old man from getting the last sanitizer and toilet paper at the store".

A teen captioned her TikTok "me dating my hs teacher that i had a crush on for ever".

And addition to other age-gap TikToks, we included Dr. Phil's TikTok where he implored "You have to stop commenting "daddy" on my posts". 

Note: No grooming took place in curating of this cameraless documentary.

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