[*Disclaimer: We here at The Allure of Nymphets, believe it or not, have our morals; therefore, we advise ephebophiles to use the following information for good - not evil. In other words, we advise you to be more like Elvis, Frank Sinatra or even Woody Allen and marry nymphets of legal age - more than one if you wish depending on what country you reside in, but we adjure you to not settle for being georgiaed.]
Steele writes in Date Young Women For Men Over 35 that, as an older man, without the correct attitude (inner-game): "[...] you won't get anywhere even if you are slim and trim, looking good, living in the right complex, driving a beige Jag [...]"
The unspoken attitude should be:
"I'm the catch here, not you. I'm not going to chase you. I'm attracted to you, [and] you're attracted to me." We’re both adults. You’re a young(er) adult, and I’m an old(er) adult, but we’re both adults.
Steele advises that young women are afraid that you'll use them, because you're powerful. And that they’re (initially) afraid of what their friends, boyfriends and/or family will say; therefore, older men have to take it “slow and easy”.
He writes that it takes time, especially for nymphets, to become fully invested. Thus, an ephebophile has to casually and indirectly show interest; but, too little interest and she’ll lose passion and too much interest, and you’ll frighten her. She needs to know that you're "[...] discreet, subtle and sensitive to her situation."
It is extremely important that you let her make any verbal pronouncements about the true nature of the relationship - even if it takes several months. For example, Johannes advised in The Seducer’s Diary: "No impatience, no greediness - everything will be relished in slow draughts; she is selected, she will be overtaken."
Steel shared a faux pas: He met 19-year-old Sandy where she worked. After a few visits and conversations, she invited him out for lunch. By his fourth tequila, Steele had lost his composure and confessed to Sandy, “I’d like to have a torrid affair with you." Consequently, the nymphet asked Steele to drive her home.
Steele lists three ways to casually and indirectly show interest?
- Non-verbally show brief flashes of intense sexual and romantic interest. Steele shared: "She loves the novelty and excitement of flirting and being the object of a man's attention. If you don't scare her away she wants more, more, more." But "If she feels pressured she will dig in her heels. [Wait] until you "accidentally" cross her path." Johannes shared: "They went out [...] I chose to leave right after [...] and to walk faster [...] along other streets [...] so that when I turned [...] I passed them in the greatest haste without greeting them or anything - to their great astonishment."
- Separate these with long periods of being nice but relatively aloof.
- And occasionally be mean e.g., through in a few “digs”.
Steele warns that if you don't have mutual friends and/or weren’t introduced to the maiden, it could take a "two-month or longer siege" and that’s if you can strategically put yourself in front of her at least three times per week.
But do not “open” a nymphet (excuse the pun) unless she shows an indicator of interest (IOI), which is usually done through body language (e.g., fondling her long silky hair.) Steele writes: "Young women send [...] subtle signals." Consequently, a man who is attractive, inside and out, should keep his eyes open for IOIs. It could come from the young barista, cashier or waitress - at a play, on the subway or in the checkout line. (Here’s a list of IOIs.)
Steele encourages men to be “benevolent” dictators and remain in charge, which he writes is attractive because young women are attracted to men "who won't kiss ass.” He warns that you'll be tested by flaking in this area, because females are manipulative since they can't use brute force to get what they want.
In addition, he writes that they’re strongly drawn by indifference, feigned or real: "[...] [therefore, be] friendly, aloof, relaxed, powerful and confident." Always be willing to walk away and don’t be manipulated. For example, if she cancels to go to Forever 21 with her girlfriend or because the premier of her favorite MTV show is on, don’t cancel working on one of your projects to be with her. And don’t take flakes personally. Steele relates that young women can be "unstable, impulsive and irresponsible."
Above are Steele's Eleven Commandments of Courtship. He writes that I through IV are mandatory. V is the hardest. Steele clarified in another list of commandments, The Ten Commandments of Meeting, that shaking hands (VI) means that no kino should be performed. And Iceberg Slim would disagree with smiling. VII means that one should avoid attempting to impress. He warned that VIII is fatal 85% of the time; therefore, don’t stare at a nymphets hillocks or fountains. X forbids acting young and hip. And the proper way to perform XI is to focus on one thing that you sincerely admire - preferably an accessory, article of clothing, hair, smile, but, once again, make no references to her hillocks or fountains.
More information on how to have an attractive mindset can be found here and don't forget to invite us to the wedding(s).
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