Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ROGER FISHBITE: Nymphets in Catholic School Uniforms & Teen Oral Sex for Jewelry

Here's part of Amazon's review of Emily Prager's Roger Fishbite

Lucky Linderhof, a 12-year-old latter-day Lolita born of the privileged sperm club, lives in New York with her affectionate but ineffectual mother, a woman who changes her lovers as quickly as she changes her designer clothes. 

Abandoned by her father, Lucky seeks a symbolic replacement among her mother's boyfriends--but when the piranha lodger Roger Fishbite moves in, she ends up with a father figure who becomes a lover.

The Author Note states: 

This novel is in part a literary parody of that great work Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. It is my reply both to the book and the icon that the character Lolita has become. 

Prager may have given an appropriate example of an ephebophile in the novel. She wrote: 

"No, this man [i.e., a nympholept] is a special man, a man for whom a Catholic school uniform, even on a mannequin, does more than a whole album of grown-up nudes." 

That may be an hyperbole, but it's closer than further from the truth.

Roger may have non-verbally expressed his attraction for Lucky, but she made the first (physical) move when she: "[...] leaped up and kissed him square on the mouth."  Lucky kissed her mother's lover for dresses, gave him hugs for CDs, and performed oral sex for jewelry. 

However, Lucky repeatedly teased Roger when he wanted to make love: "Lose my virginity to you? What's in it for me?" Lucky asked. 

But Lucky became livid with jealousy and took matters into her own hands, after she read in Roger's journal that he made love to Evie a, "[...] hot as a pistol" 11-year-old model whom he was shocked was not a virgin.

Andrea Higbie opined in her New York Times Book Review: "Here Prager has captured an essential truth of childhood [...]

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