Jake Viswanath posted on Bustle "Amanda Seyfried Reflects On Mean Girls & 'Gross' Remarks That Men Made After It" (May 11, 2022)
In Mean Girls (2004), Seyfried played Karen Smith, a 16-year-old North Shore High student, who could tell when it was raining due to a feeling in her fountains.
While squeezing her breasts, Karen Smith shared, "My breasts can always tell when it's gonna rain." Consequently, Karen was given the role of the school's weatherwoman and reported, "Hi. This is Karen Smith. It's 68 degrees." And as she massaged her right and then left breast, she reported, "And there's a 30 percent chance that it's already raining."
But Viswanath wrote that Seyfried said that some fans took the joke that Tina Fey wrote "too far in real life":
Karen Smith from Mean Girls is a bonafide meteorologist icon, but sometimes, fans took the joke too far in real life. Amanda Seyfried, who played Karen, just revealed how male fans would often ask her if it was raining after the premiere of Mean Girls in 2004 [...] Fans’ references to the joke often crossed a line into catcalling, especially given Seyfried’s age at the time. “I always felt really grossed out by that,” Seyfried told Marie Claire in an interview published on May 11. “I was like 18 years old. It was just gross.”
We agree with Seyfried that catcalling is inappropriate, but we were surprised that she mentioned that she was 18 when the catcalling occured. Is she implying that if she were 21, the catcalling would have been (more) appropriate? We're very confident that Seyfried would agree that being catcalled at any age is inappropriate. But that still begs the question: "Why did Seyfried mention that she was 18 when the catcalling occured? #confused However, it appears that it's safe to assume that Seyfried does not condone teen sex work. (e.g., 18-year-old Sami, Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen's daughter, joining OnlyFans.")
And to add to our confusion, Seyfried had nothing but nice words to say about Mark Waters, whom directed Seyfried to massage her teen breasts, and Tina Fey, whom wrote Seyfried's lascivious lines. Seyfried said that Waters made her "look good" and that Fey "[...] wrote the coolest script of all time."
Despite the gross comments she received, Seyfried has only positive memories from filming Mean Girls, the movie that put her on the map, even calling it her “best work” in 2013 [...] it was written so well and so wonderfully directed. Mark Waters (the director) made me look good, he made me funny. And Tina Fey wrote the coolest script of all time. I’m so grateful for every experience.”
The irony. And there were a number of other lascivious lines, scenes and subplots in the film, which we'll compile in a separate post. For example, Karen shared: "I can put my whole fist in my mouth! Wanna see?" But the most relevant subplot to this blog is the love triangle between coach Carr and two Asian schoolgirls - Trang Pak and Sun Jin Dinh whom fought over coach Carr in the hallway of North Shore High.
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