Sunday, January 26, 2025

"Pretty Little Liars: Summer School": Teen Sex Galore! But Why?

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Girls

The Pretty Little Liars novels, the original television series that was based on the novels, and Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, the first season of the reboot of the series, all had age-gap relationships. For example, in the original series, Alison and Aria, two Pretty Little Liars, had an affair with Mr. Ezra Fitz - the high school’s English teacher. 

Pretty Little Liars | Alison & Ezra

And, interestingly, in Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin, fans of the original series learned that Mr. Fitz and Aria were married. Consequently, Imogen, a 16-year-old Pretty Little Liar, allowed Mr. Fitz and Aria to adopt her baby!

However, Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, which is the second season of the reboot, didn’t have any age-gap relationships; but, curiously, Pretty Little Liars: Summer School had a shocking number of teen sex and makeout scenes - including teen girl-on-girl scenes. For example, the first episode alone had 3.5 teen sex scenes! (One scene was off-camera and another scene stopped just prior to teen oral sex.) However, one wouldn't know about the prolific teen sex scenes from Max's synopsis:

In Season 2, our PLLs face down summer school and a new villain — who may or may not have a connection to "A" — ready to put them all to the test.

But the picture of the co-stars, who are playing high school coeds during the summer after their junior year, inexplicably posing in bikini tops that’s posted on Max’s website is a peek at the raunchy content in the series.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School | Noa and Shawn

For example, in episode 01, while Noa and Shawn were dating, Noa experienced a family issue. Despite having four close female friends, Noa was allowed to stay at Shawn’s house while her family issue was being resolved. Consequently, naughty Noa crept into her boyfriend’s bed for (teen) sex.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School | Mrs. Noble and Noa

Interestingly, Shawn’s mother knew the teens were having late-night sex, but she didn’t stop them. However, she waited until the morning to confront Noa whom the director slash wardrobe department decided to display in a pair of short running shorts seductively sitting in a living room chair.

16-Year-Old Britney Spears (Rolling Stone)

This may be shocking to (ultra) [orthodox] Jews and Muslims, but apparently, teens having sex in their bedrooms is not uncommon. For example, Lynne Spears shared in her memoir, Through The Storm: A Real Tale Of Fame And Family In A Tabloid World, that Britney Spears was drinking at 13 and that Britney lost her virginity the following year to an 18-year-old football player. Lynne encouraged her teen daughter to have sex, because Lynne surmised that it would make Britney more popular. So much so that Lynne allowed then-15-year-old Britney to have sex in her bedroom with her new boyfriend - Justin Timberlake.

And from the New York Times Bestseller, Restless Virgins: Love, Sex, and Survival in Prep School, we learned that Whitney had her first orgasm while attending the tony Milton Academy. Interestingly, the co-authors described Whitney’s teen orgasm as “delicious”, which took place “at some odd hour of the night” in Nick’s bedroom whom was conveniently living off-campus.
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School | Shawn, Noa and Minnie

As for Pretty Little Liars: Summer School, after being confronted by Noa’s mother, Noa decided to go home. And since Noa’s mother was conveniently away, Noa and Shawn moved their teen sex to Noa’s bed, but one night after sex with Shawn, Noa couldn’t prevent herself from thinking about her teen girl-on-girl affair with Minnie.

Unsurprisingly, most critics loved Pretty Little Liars: Summer School. For example, the show received a 90% average Tomatometer. Maybe that's why there was so much teen sex. #teensexsales

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